In the midst of all this social isolation, my bestie and I have decided this is obviously the time to try the Beachbody Ultimate Reset. We decided to try out a cleanse about two weeks ago when everything really started shutting down (#thanks2020). I mean, we can’t go out to eat, Happy Hours with the girls are out, there’s literally nothing going on. We have all the time in the world to meal prep, cook, and focus on resetting our nutrition, so why not? Over the last two weeks, we’ve decided we may be crazy for giving up wine and foods we love during these strange times, but hey, we’re committed. I want to kick this off by sharing a little bit about what we’re doing and why, and then use this as a platform to share my progress with you!

For a list of other fun things you can do while you’re social distancing (that don’t require giving up wine) click here!

Why The Ultimate Reset?

There are SO many options for cleanses and detoxes these days. Just about every company that sells health and fitness products has one, or you can go on Pinterest and find a DIY (yikes). When B brought up the idea, she wanted to do the Arbonne cleanse. No digs against Arbonne here, but I need food and variety y’all. B sent me a quick infographic about the Arbonne cleanse and the daily meal plan was about like this: Tea –> Shake for breakfast –> fizzy water (with OPTION for some nuts or a tsp of almond butter –> shake or protein and rice with veggies for lunch –> more fizzy water –> lean protein with brown rice and veggies for dinner. Nothing after 7pm.

At first I thought, okay, if nothing else this is easy. Not too much prep, I can do this for a week. Then I find out it’s 30 days. Hard no. This may work for a lot of people, and if it does that’s awesome. I know myself and it’s not my thing. I NEED variety. I don’t even like to eat leftovers y’all. If all I was eating was chicken, brown rice, veggies and shakes for 30 days I would absolutely throat punch someone.

I suggested a few other options – the 3 Day Refresh and the Ultimate Reset. My description was basically “the Refresh is like 4 calories a day, but it’s only 3 days. I did it once and quit, but I think I could do it now. The Ultimate Reset is 21 days and totally plant based by the end of it. It’s a lot of structure, but it’s also 3 actual meals per day plus snacks and I can still have carbs.” We decided on the Reset because, again, all the time in the world.

What is the Ultimate Reset?

The Reset is a combination of getting rid of processed foods in your diet and eventually moving to a fully plant based diet, as well as supplements that help your body get rid of nasty shit. I really enjoy the way Beachbody described this process on their blog in this post about a detox vs a cleanse:

“Fluids, fiber, and phytonutrients from fruits and vegetables can go a long way in terms of supporting your wellness and your body’s natural systems,” Faye says.

By stripping your diet down to the essentials, you’re giving your liver and kidneys a chance to do their job more efficiently.

While you’ll probably shed a few pounds in the process, the real goal of the Beachbody cleanses is to reshape the way you think about nutrition.

I’ve wanted to try the Ultimate Reset for a LONG time. I’ve never done it because it just seemed overwhelming. It’s a lot of information, a lot of supplements, a lot of food I’ve never eaten, and a lot of excuses I found about why right now isn’t a good time.

My actual favorite thing about the Reset is the amount of FOOD I get to eat. I mean really, ^^ that’s my grocery haul just for WEEK ONE. There’s nothing that makes me more crazy than a program that’s not sustainable. I will never give up eating, even temporarily, I will never give up carbs, I will never do something that doesn’t feel like I could realistically sustain it (or at least some version of it) going forward. If that’s the case, then what’s the point?

What To Expect Over the Next 3 Weeks

Okay, so realistically I’m probably going to want to kill someone at LEAST 40% of the time. When I do something, I go all in. Not because I’m like “OMG I’m so dedicated,” but because if I half ass it, I slide right back into my yucky habits and all of a sudden I’m only eating chicken wings and pasta again. I have to go big or go home. If I fall off the wagon with this program, I can’t start over (at least not without buying all of my supplements again, and fuck that.)

I’m giving up coffee (maybe having a tea in the morning, but really need a serious caffeine detox here). I’m also giving up all alcohol. In the middle of a global pandemic. While working in a hospital trying to oversee 80 people who I love so much but sometimes seem like they hate everything I do. It’s gonna be an adventure, to say the least. Also, I live with my sweetie who is SO supportive, but will not be participating in this madness. So basically, I’ll have B and the motivational signs I’ll be hanging up around my apartment to keep me going.

I hope to use this space to track my progress, share my feelings, and look back on the journey when I’m done. The Reset guide has already forewarned me that I may cleanse emotionally as well as physically, so that will be interesting. Shit’s about to get weird y’all, hang on tight.

If you want to stay in the loop and be entertained by basically reading my diary as I go through this, drop your email below so I can keep you posted!

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